SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Mtandao wa Sanaa Kenya

Tiguidanké Diallo

  • Tiguidanké Diallo
© courtesy Unifrance

Guinean Actress

Sometimes credited as / Elle est parfois créditée sous le nom de
Titine Diallo

Titine DIALLO (born as Tiguidanké DIALLO) is a Theater and Film Actress.

She is known for BAMBA (2008, Lead Actress), FEMMES MIGRANTES, ACTRICES DE LA SOCIÉTÉ (2021, Participant), LA TRÈS TRÈS GRANDE CLASSE (2022, Actress).

Trained at the Institute of Fine Arts in Dubreka (Guinea), she obtained her Bachelor's degree in Business Law (in Dakar, Senegal).

In theatre, she was a member of Les Sardines de Conakry (play "Wouroukoutou", directed by Anssoumane Diessira Condé, selected at Festival de théâtre de Guinée, Festival de Théâtre et Marionnette de Ouaga, RETIC du Cameroun). She has played in the radio series"Le coin des Réglos, in fulani language (for raising awareness among young people about Sexual Diseases and HIV).

Since 2012, she lives in Belgium where she is a member of the Nimis Group, a collective of young actors, in Brussels.
Together, they wrote and directed"Those I met may not have seen me" (documentary-theatre play, about the policy of welcoming foreigners in Europe), with a European tour in France, Switzerland and Belgium. "The play premiered at the National Theatre in Brussels in 2016 and toured until December 2019." (Siradio Dallo, Ma Guinée Infos, 19/07/2021, our translation from French).

"In 2020, in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, Tiguidanké was shooting a feature film ["La Très Très Grande Classe", comedy, directed by Frédéric Quiring] where she played the [female] third role with the famous French actor François Berléand [...]" (Siradio Dallo, Ma Guinée Infos, 19/07/2021, our translation from French).


La couverture
Feature / Long Métrage Fiction (Guinée) | starring / avec Tiguidanké Diallo, Taïbou Diallo | Dir / Réal : Alhussein SANO | Prod : Maxi Plus
/// Actress / Actrice (Rôle principal)

(2005) Le Plaisir mortel
Feature / Long Métrage Fiction (Guinée) | starring / avec Fatou Sagnane, Tiguidanké Diallo
/// Actress / Actrice

(2008) Bamba
Feature / Long Métrage Fiction (Guinée) | starring / avec Hadja Kadé Seck, Tiguidanké Diallo | Dir / Réal : Alhussein SANO, Yamory Mansaré
/// Actress / Actrice

(2017) Eldorado
Web Series / Web Série (Belgique) | Dir / Réal : Arthur Kolié

(2021) Femmes migrantes, actrices de la société
Short Documentary / Court Métrage Documentaire (Belgique, Guinée) | Dir / Réal : Arthur Kolié
/// Participant / Participante

(2022) La Très Très Grande Classe
Feature / Long Métrage Fiction (France) | starring / avec Melha Bedia, Audrey Fleurot, François Berléand, Arié Elmaleh, Vincent Lécuyer, Tiguidanké Diallo, Kenza Benbouchta, Jacqueline Corado, Nissim Renard, Abel Aboualiten, Timothée Coetsier, Quentin Minon, Xing Xing Cheng, Anne-Pascale Clairembourg, Stéphane Auberghen, Nathalie Besançon, Bruno Georis, Matteo Salamone, Vinciane Millereau, Hervé Lassïnce, Élie Semoun | Dir / Réal : Frédéric Quiring | Release / Sortie salles (France) : 10/08/2022

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- www.linkedin.com/in/sano-alhussein-85a1313a/
- www.linkedin.com/in/alhussein-sano-5816b2121/
- www.oeil-maisondesjournalistes.fr/2023/01/17/guinee-la-presse-au-front-contre-la-junte-militaire/
- https://maguineeinfos.org/2021/07/19/du-reve-a-la-realite-decouvrez-qui-est-tiguidanke-diallo-celebre-dans-le-monde-culturel/
Updated by Thierno DIA, 20 July 2023


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  • Kenya : Arterial Network chapter
  • Kenya : Ketebul Music
  • Kenya : Studio Vista Network
  • Kenya : Kuona Trust
  • Kenya : The Theatre Company

With the support of