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Mtandao wa Sanaa Kenya

Souleymane Cissé

  • Souleymane Cissé
© Olivier Barlet
Film director, Writer, Producer, Screenwriter, Owner of movie theater
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Theater, Cinema/tv

Malian film director, screenwriter, producer.

Souleymane CISSÉ is a director, screenwriter and producer.

He is known for "Den Muso" (1975), "Baara" (1978), "Finyè" (1982), "Yeelen" (1987), "Waati" (1995), ""Min Yé" - "Dis moi qui tu es" (2009), "O Ka" - "Notre maison" (2015).

One of Africa's leading directors, Souleymane Cissé has crafted a body of films that combine visual elegance with Marxist ideology and allegorical storytelling.

Born in 1940 (in Bamako, Mali) and a passionate cinephile from childhood, Cissé began his film career as a projectionist and photographer in Mali. After studying cinema in the Soviet Union for seven years, he returned to Mali, where he cut his teeth making newsreels and documentaries. His first fiction film, Cinq Jours d'une Vie (Five Days in a Life, 1972), launched his career and gained critical attention for the burgeoning African film movement.

Three years later, Cissé directed the first feature film in his native language of Bambara, Den Muso (The Girl), about a young mute girl who is raped and rejected by her family when she becomes pregnant. Its controversial subject matter caused the film to be banned by the Malian Minister of Culture. In 1978, Cissé produced Baara (Work), which received the Grand Prize, the Etalon de Yennega, at the FESPACO film festival in 1979. Finye (The Wind) won him another Etalon in 1983. Cissé's masterpiece, Yeelen (1987) is widely regarded as one of the best African films ever made.

Drawing on traditional indigenous lifestyles and Malian folklore, Cissé masterfully explores conflicts in Malian society, particularly the conflicts that emerge between the desire for change and the need to preserve tradition.

FILMOGRAPHY / FILMOGRAPHIE | Shorts / Courts et moyens métrages
1968: L'aspirant 1975 : Den Muso
1968 : Source d'inspiration
1970 : Dégal à Dialloubé
1971 : Fête du Sanké
1972 : Cinq jours d'une vie
1973 : Dixième anniversaire de l'O.U.A. (doc)
1975 : L'Homme et ses idoles
1978 : Chanteurs traditionnels des Seychelles (Les Chanteurs traditionnels des îles Seychelles)

FILMOGRAPHY / FILMOGRAPHIE | Features / Longs métrages
1975 : Den Muso (The Girl / La jeune fille)
1978 : Baara (The Work / Le travail)
1982 : Finyé (The Wind / Le vent)
1987 : Yeelen (The Light / La lumière)
1995 : Waati (The Time / Le Temps)
2009 : Min Yé (Tell me who you are / Dis moi qui tu es)
2013 : O Sembène - أ.سمبان (Documentaire)
2015 : O Ka (Our House / Notre maison) [former Title: Soba]

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- www.jccarthage.com/fr/films-detail5.php?id_film=219
- www.filmreference.com/Directors-Bu-Co/Ciss-Souleymane.html
- www.imagesfrancophones.org/actualites/entretien-avec-souleymane-cisse-realisateur-et-producteur-malien-par-enoka-ayemba-102
Updated by Thierno DIA, 18 April 2023


سليمان سيسي

سليمان سيسي مخرج مالي تخرّج من معهد الدراسات السينمائيّة العليا بموسكو. وفي رصيده أعمال عديدة: "خمسة أيّام حياة" سنة 1972 تحصّل على التانيت البرونزي بمهرجان ايام قرطاج السينمائية، و"دان موزو" (البنت الصغيرة 1975) الذي صودر وكان سببا في سجنه، و"بارا"(العمل 1977) المتحصّل على التانيت الفضّي في ايام قرطاج السينمائية 1978، و"فينيي"(الريح 1982) الذي فاز بالتانيت الذهبيّ بمهرجان قرطاج 1982.و"يلين" (الضوء 1987) الفائز بالجائزة الخاصّة للجنة التحكيم بمهرجان كان، وهو وراء تقديم سليمان سيسي الى الجمهور العريض.و"واتي" (الزمن) 1995، و"مين يي" (2009)و"أو سومبان" وثائقيّ (2012



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  • Kenya : Arterial Network chapter
  • Kenya : Ketebul Music
  • Kenya : Studio Vista Network
  • Kenya : Kuona Trust
  • Kenya : The Theatre Company

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