SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Mtandao wa Sanaa Kenya

Dieudo Hamadi

  • Dieudo Hamadi
© DR
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter, Editor, Assistant director
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv, Dance
Congo, Democratic Republic
Contact by email

Dieudonné Hamadi was born in Kisangani (Democratic Republic of Congo) on February 22, 1984 and studied biomedicine from 2005 to 2008, before moving into filmmaking. Since 2002, he has completed several documentary film workshops and video editing courses and has worked as an editor, producer, and assistant director, including for Suka! Productions.
Dieudo Hamadi has since directed the documentary short Ladies in Waiting / Dames en attente (2010) and the feature documentaries Atalaku (2013), National Diploma / Examen d'Etat (2014), Mama Colonel (2017) & Kinshasa Makambo (2018), Downroad to Kinshas (2020).


Dieudo Hamadi wurde am 22. Februar 1984 in Kisangani geboren und studierte von 2005 bis 2008 Biomedizin. Seit 2002 hat er einige Dokumentar-/ Film-Workshops und Videoschnitt-Lehrgänge absolviert und arbeitet seit 2004 als Cutter, Produzent und Regieassistent u. a. für Suka! Productions in Südafrika.


Nasce a Kisangani nel 1984. Dopo il diploma si dedica al montaggio. Nel 2009 si laurea in Cinema all' École de cinéma et des arts de Spectacle in Belgio. Lavora come montatore, produttore, regista e assistente alla regia per Suka!Productions.


68 files


24 files


  • Kenya : Arterial Network chapter
  • Kenya : Ketebul Music
  • Kenya : Studio Vista Network
  • Kenya : Kuona Trust
  • Kenya : The Theatre Company

With the support of