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Mtandao wa Sanaa Kenya

Those Who Jump

  • Sauteurs (Les) | Those Who Jump
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2016
Format : Feature
Running time : 80 (in minutes)

Mount Gurugu overlooks the Spanish enclave of Melilla on northern Africa's Mediterranean coast. The European Union and Africa are separated here by a high-security border facility consisting of three fences. Refugees, mostly from the sub-Saharan region, live in the tree-covered foothills, from where they try to cross the land border between Morocco and Spain. One of them is Abou Bakar Sidibé from Mali, who in Les Sauteurs is both the protagonist and the one doing the documenting. After 14 months in the informal camp and numerous failed attempts to beat the fence system, Abou starts filming - his daily routine, his surroundings, the mind-numbing wait for the next "jump". His footage gives insights into the social organisation of the refugee community and provides a mournful look at the supposed El Dorado of Europe.
LES SAUTEURS carries out a unique shift in perspective: the abstract, anonymous thermal images of the surveillance cameras stand in contrast to the subjective gaze of an individual. After meeting Moritz Siebert and Estephan Wagner, Sidibé takes on the responsibility for their camera, tirelessly documenting his living conditions on the sidelines of an EU under lockdown.

In northern Morocco lies the Spanish enclave of Melilla: Europe on African Land. On the mountain above live over a thousand hopeful African migrants, watching the land border, a fence system separating Morocco and Spain. Abou from Mali is one of them - the protagonist in front of the camera, as well as the person behind it. For over a year, he has ceaselessly persisted in attempting to jump the fence.
At the fence, they have to overcome the razor-wire, automatic pepper spray and brutal authorities. After every failed attempt, they return to Mount Gurugú, scouring for food in the nearby villages, trying to uphold some sort of order in the camp and building up their confidence again. Some give up and return home, others never return from the fence.
Looking through the lens, Abou gradually finds expression and meaning in his situation. "When filming I feel that I exist". But after 16 months on the mountain, Abou is brought close to a tragic accident at the fence. Returning to Mali is not an option for him, and he becomes more determined than ever to pursue his dream of a better life in Europe.
LES SAUTEURS, ultimately a film about making a film, is Abou's portrayal of the human struggle for dignity and freedom on one of the World's most militarized frontiers.

A film by Moritz Siebert, Estephan Wagner, Abou Bakar Sidibé

Denmark, 2016, Documentary, 1hr20, Original version in French / Bambara with subtitles.

Denmark, 2016, Documentary, 80Min. · DCP, 1:1.78 (16:9)· color

Directors: Moritz Siebert & Estephan Wagner
Co-Director: Abou Bakar Sidibé
Scriptwriters: Moritz Siebert, Estephan Wagner
Producers: Signe Byrge Sørensen & Heidi Elise Christensen
Camera: Abou Bakar Sidibé
Editor: Estephan Wagner
Sound Editor: Henrik Garnov
Colorist: Maria Klarlund

Final Cut for Real
Kopenhagen, Denmark
+45 6177 3061

Produced in collaboration with DR

With support from:
Danish Film Institute/ Film Workshop
BMU Foundation


Sales Agent
WIDE House
Anais Clanet
Paris, France
+33 6 83221806

Festival contacts
WIDE House
Dounia Georgeon

Danish Film Institute
Anne Marie Kürstein

2016 | 66th Berlinale, Germany
* Selection - Forum
* World Premiere: Berlinale 17 February 2016
Members of the Jury: Marisa Winter (Jury President), Rev. Micah Bucey, Prof. Dr. phil. Hans-Joachim Neubauer, Prof. Aurore Renaut, Callum Ryan and Jacques Vercueil



Vom Berg Gurugu blickt man auf die spanische Enklave Melilla an der
nordafrikanischen Mittelmeerküste. Afrika und die Europäische Union
werden hier durch eine hochgesicherte Grenzanlage, bestehend
aus drei Zäunen, voneinander getrennt. In den Wäldern des
Bergausläufers leben Geflüchtete, meist aus der Subsahara-Region,
die versuchen, diese direkte Landgrenze zwischen Marokko und
Spanien zu überqueren. So auch der Malier Abou Bakar Sidibé,
der zugleich Protagonist und auch Dokumentierender in LES
SAUTEURS ist. Nach 14 Monaten im informellen Camp und mehreren
gescheiterten Versuchen, das Zaunsystem zu überwinden, beginnt
Abou zu filmen - seinen Alltag, die Umgebung, das zermürbende
Warten auf den nächsten „Sprung". Er gibt Einblick in die
soziale Organisation der Community und tristen Ausblick auf das
vermeintliche Eldorado Europa.
In LES SAUTEURS findet ein einzigartiger Perspektivenwechsel statt:
Dem abstrakt anonymen Wärmebild der Überwachungskamera
wird der subjektive Blick eines Individuums entgegengesetzt.
Nach einer Begegnung mit Moritz Siebert und Estephan Wagner
übernimmt Sidibé ihre Kamera. Unermüdlich dokumentiert er seine
Lebensrealität am Rande einer abgeschotteten EU.

Ein Filme von Moritz Siebert, Estephan Wagner, Abou Bakar Sidibé

Dänemark, 2016, Dokumentarfilm, 80Min. · DCP, 1:1.78 (16:9)· Farbe

Moritz Siebert, Estephan Wagner, Abou Bakar Sidibé

Moritz Siebert, Estephan Wagner

Abou Bakar Sidibé

Estephan Wagner

Sound Design
Henrik Gamov

Signe Byrge Sørensen, Heidi Elise Christensen

Final Cut for Real
Kopenhagen, Dänemark
+45 6177 3061

Wide House
Paris, Frankreich
+33 6 83221806

2016 | 66th Berlinale, Germany
* Selection - Forum
* World Premiere: Berlinale 17 February 2016
Members of the Jury: Marisa Winter (Jury President), Rev. Micah Bucey, Prof. Dr. phil. Hans-Joachim Neubauer, Prof. Aurore Renaut, Callum Ryan and Jacques Vercueil



På Marokkos kyststrækning ud mod Middelhavet ligger Melilla. På bjerget oven for den spanske enklave lever tusindvis af håbefulde afrikanske migranter med en drøm om en dag at forcere hegnet ind til Europa. Abou fra Mali er en af dem. Han er hovedperson i "Les sauteurs" (springerne) og har selv ført kameraet i de 16 måneder, filmen følger ham, mens han forsøger at gøre "springet".

Moritz Siebert, Estephan Wagner (DK, 2016)

Dansk titel: Les sauteurs
Andre titler: Les sauteurs
Produktionsland: Danmark
Varighed: 82 min.
Kategori: DK/Dokumentarfilm

Instruktør: Moritz Siebert, Estephan Wagner
Producer: Heidi Elise Christensen, Signe Byrge Sørensen
Fotograf: Abou Bakar Sidibé, Juan Palacios Garcia, Jesús Blasco de Avellaneda
Klipper: Estephan Wagner
Lyd: Henrik Gugge Garnov

Medvirkende: Abou Bakar Sidibé (se alle)

AndersenKlippekonsulent: Niels Pagh
Postproduktionschef: Anders V. Christensen
Postproduktionsassistent: Thomas Irving, Martin Munck Schmidt
Produktionsleder: Maria Kristensen

Produktionsselskab: Final Cut for Real ApS



4 files


  • Kenya : Arterial Network chapter
  • Kenya : Ketebul Music
  • Kenya : Studio Vista Network
  • Kenya : Kuona Trust
  • Kenya : The Theatre Company

With the support of