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Mtandao wa Sanaa Kenya

Omar la Fraise

  • Omar la Fraise
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : عمر الفراولة | L'oiseau rebelle (Working Title) | Requiem pour un fou (Former Title)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2023
Format : Feature
Running time : 90 (in minutes)

Omar, better known as Omar the Strawberry, is an old-fashioned bandit. Forced to flee to Algeria, he saw small schemes, accompanied by his illustrious sidekick Roger.
After having reigned over the French banditry for decades, they have to accept their new life together, whereas until now they have lived only in debauchery and violence.
Much to the chagrin of Zohra, who would like him to settle down and start a family.

Omar Zerrouki, better known by his street name Omar la Fraise, is an old school gangster. Forced to flee from France to Algiers, he now lives off petty scams alongside with his sidekick Krimo. But the axe falls: the French courts sentence him to 20 years of jail time. To stay in Algiers, away from French prisons, Omar must now clean up his act. But so far he has known little else than a life of crime and violence: transitioning to normal human relations governed by a social contract and healthy communication will be easier said than done. Not to mention earning an honest living. Omar manages to find a job in a pastry factory. But quiet daily routine is not Omar's way: deprived of the adrenaline of his former life, he relapses and starts mixing with a gang of violent kids from the streets of Algiers. Factory boss by day, thug by night: Omar thinks he has found some kind of balance to cope with this newfound life on the straight path… until he meets Samia. As he will discover, violence and petty crime are incompatible with love. The death of his friend Krimo will make him aware of his vital need for change. With the help of Samia, Omar will finally free himself.

estrelado / starring / avec :
Reda Kateb, Benoît Magimel, Meriem Amiar

a film by / un film de

France, Algérie, Qatar | 2023 | Long métrage Fiction | 1h30 | Comedy, Drama

Título / Original title / Titre Original : Omar la Fraise
Título Internacional (en Inglês) / International Title (English) / Titre international (Anglais) :
Título (França / Bélgica) / Title (France / Belgium) / Titre (France, Belgique) :
Outro título (em árabe) / Other Title (in Arabic) / Autre Titre (en arabe) : عمر الفراولة
Título anterior / Former Title (Working Title, in French) / Ancien Titre : L'oiseau rebelle | Requiem pour un fou
Duração / Duración / Runtime / Durée : 00' (0h 00 minutes, 00:00:00)
Tipo / Type / Type : Longa-metragem de ficção / Feature Fiction / Long-métrage Fiction
Gênero / Genre : Comedy, Drama / Comédie Dramatique
Idioma / Languages / Langues de tournage : Francês / French / Français
Subtítulos / Subtitles / Sous-titres :
País de Produção / Country of Production / Pays de Production : França, Argélia, Catar / France, Algeria, Qatar / France, Algérie, Qatar
País do Diretor / Filmmaker's Country / Pays du réalisateur : França, Argélia / France, Algeria / France, Algérie
País de filmagem / Country of Filming / Pays de tournage : Argélia / Algeria / Algérie
Ano de Produção / Year of production / Année de production : 2023
Ano de lançamento / Year of Release / Année de Sortie : 2023
Visa Number / Numéro de visa (France) : 157.014
Cores / Colors / Couleurs : Cor / Color / Couleur
Suporte de difusão / Media / Support de diffusion :
Formato / Aspect Ratio / Format Image :
Formato de som / Sound Mix / Format Son :
Orçamento estimado / Estimated Budget / Budget prévisionnel :
TAGS : Comedy, Drama, Music, Identity, Rock'n-roll

Reda Kateb...................................................... Omar Zerrouki
Benoît Magimel................................................. Roger
Meriem Amiar.................................................... Zohra / Samia

Mourad Belveder

Mourad Belkeddar (Iconoclast)
Yacine Medkour
Salem Brahimi


Guionistas / Screenplay / Scénaristes :
Elias Belkeddar
Jérôme Pierrat
Thomas Bidegain

Dir. de Fotografia / Director of Photography / Directeur de la photo :
Director de Som / Sound Recordist (Sound Engineer) / Ingénieur du son :
Música / Composer (Original Music) / Musique :
Montagem / Editing / Montage :
Sound Editor / Monteur son :
Direcção de Arte / Production design / Décors :
Costumes design / Costumes :
Sound Mixing / Mixage :
Gerente de Produção / Unit production manager / Directeur de production :
Assistente Realização / Assistant Director / Assistante Réalisatrice :
Makeup artist / Maquillage :
Special makeup effects artist / Maquillage Effets Spéciaux :
Boom operator / Perchiste :
Stunts Coordinator / Cascadeur :
Assistant camera / Assistants cadreurs :
Assistant editor / Assistant monteur :
Location Manager / Régisseur :
Script supervisor / Script-Girl :
Transportation Captain / Responsable Transports :
Set photography / Photographe de plateau :
Behind the scenes footage / Tournage Making-of :
Creative director / Creative director :
Illustration / Illustrations (Générique) :

Iconoclast Films
Chi-Fou-Mi Productions

DFI - Doha Film Institute (Qatar)


France : StudioCanal


CONTACTS (Print Copy / Diffusion du film, Festivals)
Camille Marquet (Iconoclast Films)

France : 24 Mai 2023


* World Premiere / Première Mondiale /// Festival de Cannes 2023 (France)
* Séance de Minuit /// Festival de Cannes 2023 (France)

* Sélection Projet : 5e promotion de Next Step /// Semaine de la Critique - Festival de Cannes 2018 (France) | www.semainedelacritique.com/fr/film/l-oiseau-rebelle | www.semainedelacritique.com/fr/actualites/retour-sur-la-5e-promotion-de-next-step

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- www.semainedelacritique.com/fr/film/l-oiseau-rebelle
- www.semainedelacritique.com/fr/actualites/retour-sur-la-5e-promotion-de-next-step
- www.unifrance.org/film/56019/omar-la-fraise
- www.allocine.fr/film/fichefilm_gen_cfilm=302418.html
- www.instagram.com/p/Cq-QOXGAyg-/
- www.dohafilminstitute.com/financing/projects/grants/omar-la-fraise
Updated by Thierno DIA, 17 April 2023


AR - العربية

عمر زيروكي، الذي يُعرف باسم "Omar La Fraise" أو عمر الفريز، هو رجل عصابات على الطراز القديم. تٌجبَرُ الظروف عمر على الهروب من فرنسا والعودة إلى مدينة الجزائر، حيث يجني رزقه هناك بأبخس الطرق والحيل التي يساعده فيها رفيقه تشارلوت. ولكن يقع عمر في شر أعماله، إذ تحكم عليه محكمةٌ فرنسية بالسجن لمدة 20 عاماً. وهنا يتحتّم على عمر أن يتوب عن صنائعه القديمة إذا ما أراد أن يبقى في الجزائر بدلاً من أن يُلقى خلف القضبان في فرنسا. المشكلة هي أن عمر لا يعرف شيئاً من هذه الحياة سوى الجريمة والعنف، فتغيير الحال والعيش إنساناً سويّاً يمتثل لقواعد العقد الاجتماعي وقيم التواصل الصادق مع الآخرين هي مهمةٌ ليست بالهينة عليه، وهناك طبعاً مسألة كسب الرزق بطريقةٍ مشروعة

عمر الفراولة

فيلم روائي طويل / الجزائر, فرنسا, قطر / 0 دقائق / اللغة الأصلية: الفرنسية / الإهتمامات: كوميديا, دراما, موسيقى, هوية

إلياس بلقادر

Elias Belkeddar, Jérôme Pierrat, Thomas Bidegain

Mourad Belkeddar, Yacine Medkour, Salem Brahimi

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- www.dohafilminstitute.com/ar/financing/projects/grants/omar-la-fraise
Updated by Thierno DIA, 17 April 2023


1 files


  • Kenya : Arterial Network chapter
  • Kenya : Ketebul Music
  • Kenya : Studio Vista Network
  • Kenya : Kuona Trust
  • Kenya : The Theatre Company

With the support of